Support GraceMed during Match Week
Match Week, March 4–8, holds an incredible opportunity for GraceMed. During the week, McPherson County Community Foundation will match donations made to our endowment fund—our long-term savings—and with your help, we could potentially receive up to $20,000 of the $100,000 match available.
Here’s how the week works:
Mark your calendar so you can be sure to participate.
Dates: Monday, March 4 - Friday, March 8, 2024
Place: McPherson County Community Foundation, 1233 N. Main, McPherson
Gifting options:
Cash or Check: you may use the Foundation’s contactless delivery option by dropping off your gift Monday – Thursday between 9 am – 4 pm. Please make checks payable to MCCF.
Mail your check to the Foundation. All gifts must be postmarked no later than March 8. Please make checks payable to MCCF and mail to PO Box 822, McPherson, KS 67460.
Online credit card gift. Please visit mcphersonfoundation.org and click on the GIVE NOW button or Match Week tab.
Use your Required Minimum Distribution from your IRA to make a Qualified Charitable Distribution. To qualify for Match Week, simply complete a donation form and return it by March 8. Actual funds from your account need only be transferred to the Foundation by December 31, 2024. For more information or clarification, call Becky Goss or Michelle Huddle at the Foundation, 620.245.9070.
Matching funds will be given to GraceMed based on a proportional basis. For example, if $300,000 is raised during the week and our organization received 10% of the total donations, we will receive $10,000 to use for immediate needs.
A donor may give to multiple organizations but only needs to write one check for the total gift. A separate form will be used to indicate which endowment(s) will benefit.
Building our endowment is critical for our future. Match Week is an opportunity to dig deeper and grow our endowment, helping us enrich our people and programs for an even greater impact.
Matching funds are made possible by: MCCF Community Fund and the Gaeddert Family Fund.