November 28, 2024
Run the Race, then Feed Your Face
Thanksgiving is a time for families to come together and appreciate one another and the God who has blessed them in so many ways. It's also a day that's very special at GraceMed because every year, somewhere around 1500 of our friends and neighbors come out into that crisp, November morning to run in the Say Grace 5K Thanksgiving Race. Some are amateur athletes who are looking to set their best times. Others are the multi-generations of whole families who have come from very far and very wide to work up an appetite together and add to a family tradition. But what warms our hearts is their continuing commitment to support our ministry to the medically underserved.

About the Race
The Say Grace Race is GraceMed’s signature fundraising event and is also Wichita’s largest local 5K race. The annual family-friendly event has become a Thanksgiving tradition for many in our community. We invite you to come out with family and friends to run, walk, or stroll through Midtown, one of Wichita’s most historic neighborhoods. Then enjoy all your holiday indulgences GUILT FREE! Participant perks include: CHIP timing, race t-shirt, unique awards for overall and age-group winners, team awards, fruit and water.
When: Thursday, November 28th, 9:30 am
Where: GraceMed Health Clinic 1122 N. Topeka St. Wichita KS 67214
Prizes and Awards
Top 3 overall male and female finishers cash prizes:
First Place Overall Male and Female – $200
Second Place Overall Male and Female – $125
Third Place Overall Male and Female – $75
First Age-Graded Male and Female Masters Finishers (over 40) cash prizes:
1st place male and female – $100
Course Record Award (Male and Female) – $100
Top 3 male and female finishers in each of the following age group categories:
9 and under, 10-12, 13-15, 16-18. 19-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59,
60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80 and over
Team Awards*
Biggest Flock on the Block Award – Team with the most members
Fancy Feathers Award – Best dressed team**
Galloping Gobbler Award – Fastest team
Whitty Wishbone Award – Best Team Name
*Teams must have a minimum of 4 members
**Fancy Feathers participants must be in the Emporia Park at 9:00 am for costume judging.

Register for the Race
Registration Fees:
$35 before November 1
$40 November 1 – 26
$45 on Race Day*
Kids 5-15: $15
*Credit card payment preferred on Race Day
2 Ways to Register
1) Online: Registration is now available
2) Pick-up and mail registration form with payment. Registration forms will be available at:
Fartleks Running Shop – 535 W. Douglas Avenue, Suite #130
Fleet Feet West – 2256 N. Maize Road
Fleet Feet East – 2350 N. Greenwich
iCryo – 2616 N Maize Road, Suite 102
Packet Pick-Up
GraceMed Administration Building, 1150 N. Broadway
Monday, November 25 9:00am – 5:00pm
Tuesday, November 26 9:00am – 5:00pm
Wednesday, November 27 9:00am – 5:00pm
You may also pick up your packet on the morning of the race on the east side of the 1122 N. Topeka St. building. Packets will be available for pick-up from 8:00am to 9:15am.
Race starts outside the GraceMed Helen Galloway Health Clinic: 1122 N. Topeka St. Wichita KS 67214
We are excited and grateful to have Run Wichita returning this year to provide gear check for our race participants!

Register today