
There's no tastier way to make a difference for a healthier community. Join us at Jimmie's Family Diner East on Tuesday June 24th for a delicious pancake breakfast. Take advantage of our stress free drive-thru or stick around for a while and  dine-in between 6:00am and 9:30am. 

Our goal is to raise $50,000! Every dollar earned directly impacts uninsured adults and children in need of medical, dental, vision, and behavioral health services at any one of our 13 clinics in the greater Wichita area.  

Early Bird tickets can be purchased for $15, tickets for children under 12 are $10. You may also purchase tickets at the door on Tuesday, June 24, 2025 for $20.

McCurdy is proud to support GraceMed Hotcakes for Hopecare and assist in fundraising for a wonderful cause! You can bid on the silent/online only auction here!

Bid on fun filled baskets and pieces of artwork in this charity auction helping uninsured adults and children in need of medical, dental, vision and behavioral health services. You can join GraceMed Tuesday June 24th at Jimmie's Family Diner East for a delicious pancake breakfast from 6:00 am - 9:30 am. Baskets will be on display at Jimmie's Diner that morning. 

Pickup will be at GraceMed Administrative Building – 1150 N. Broadway – Monday thru Friday, 8AM to 5PM. All items must be picked up by July 7, 2025. For questions regarding pickup reach out to Felicia Saunders at

Auction provided by


Doors Open:
6:00 AM

Drive-Thru & Dine-In
Breakfast Service Begins
6:00 AM

Bidding for Online Auction Items begins Friday 06/13/25

Bidding Countdown Begins at 11:00 AM

Breakfast Service Ends
9:30 AM

Jimmie’s Family Diner
3111 N. Rock Road