Podiatry Services
Caring for the soles of your health
Our feet literally carry us through life. But unless they complain about it, we tend to take them for granted. We put our full weight on them every day and they usually stand up pretty well to the wear and tear. But there are a lot of working parts to our feet – more than 50 bones, 200 muscles and 60 joints, not counting all the tendons and ligaments – so there's a lot that can wear out, break or get infected. And when you're feet fail you, you find yourself at risk for a lot of other conditions as well, like declining cardiovascular health and weight gain due to inactivity.
Then there's the rising tide of diabetes and the serious impact it can have on the circulation in your feet and their neurological health. That's just one important reason why GraceMed makes the services of a podiatrist available as an integral part of our primary medical care. We know how important it is to identify foot health issues early and maintain the health of your feet over time. It also helps us manage your continuing medical care more effectively to have a podiatrist working as a part of the GraceMed team. If you have a concern about the health of your feet, we encourage you to contact us for a referral to our staff podiatrist.