Privacy Policies
Patient Privacy
Health Information Privacy
GraceMed is dedicated to maintaining the privacy of your individually identifiable health information (IIHI). In conducting our business, we will create records regarding you and the treatment and services we provide you. We are required by law to maintain the confidentiality of health information that identifies you. We also are required by law to provide you with this notice of our legal duties and the privacy practices that we maintain in our practice concerning your IIHI. By federal and state law, we must follow the terms of the notice of privacy practices that we have in effect at the time.
Copies of the entire Notice of Privacy Practices are available at any GraceMed location.
Please review this notice carefully.
GraceMed Health Clinic, Inc.
Notice of Privacy Practices
As Required by the Privacy Regulations Created as a Result of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), this notice describes how your health information may be used and disclosed, and how you can get access to your individually identifiable information.
A. Our Commitment To Your Privacy
Our practice is dedicated to maintaining the privacy of your individually identifiable health information (IIHI). In conducting our business, we will create records regarding you and the treatment and services we provide to you. We are required by law to maintain the confidentiality of health information that identifies you. We also are required by law to provide you with this notice of our legal duties and the privacy practices that we maintain in our practice concerning your IIHI. By federal and state law, we must follow the terms of the notice of privacy practices that we have in effect at the time.
We realize that these laws are complicated, but we must provide you with the following important information:
How we may use and disclose your IIHI
Your privacy rights in your IIHI
Our obligations concerning the use and disclosure of your IIHI
The terms of this notice apply to all records containing your HHI that are created or retained by our practice.
We reserve the right to revise or amend this Notice of Privacy Practices. Any revision or amendment to this notice will be effective for all of your records that our practice has created or maintained in the past, and for
any of your records that ‘we may create or maintain in the future. Our practice will post a copy of our current Notice in our offices in a visible location at all times, and you may request a copy of our most current Notice at any time.
B. Complaints Or Questions
If you have any questions about this notice, please contact our Corporate Compliance Officer at (316) 866-2000 or by mail at GraceMed, 1150 N Broadway, Wichita, KS 67214.
If you have questions about electronic health information exchange or want to restrict access to your records through the exchange, contact the KHIE Support Center at 785-783- 8984 or visit their website for more information.
C. We May Use & Disclose Your Individually Identifiable Health Information In The Following Ways:
The following categories describe the different ways in which we may use and disclose your IIHI.
Treatment. Our practice may use your IIHI to treat you. For example, we may ask you to have laboratory tests (such as blood or urine tests), and we may use the results to help us reach a diagnosis. We might use your IIHI in order to write a prescription for you, or we might disclose your lIHfI to a pharmacy when we order a prescription for you. Many of the people who work for our practice – including, but not limited to, our doctors and nurses – may use or disclose your IIHI in order to treat you or to assist others in your treatment. Additionally, we may disclose your IIHI to others who may assist in your care, such as your spouse, children or parents. Finally, we may also disclose your IIHI to other health care providers for purposes related to your treatment.
Payment. Our practice may use and disclose your IIHI in order to bill and collect payment for the services and items you may receive from us. For example, we may contact your health insurer to certify that you are eligible for benefits (and for what range of benefits), and we may provide your insurer with details regarding your treatment to determine if your insurer ,will cover, or pay for, your treatment. We also may use and disclose your IIHI to obtain payment from third parties that may be responsible for such costs, such as family members. Also, we may use your IIHI to bill you directly for services and items. We may disclose your IIHl to other health care providers and entities to assist in their billing and collection efforts.
Health Care Operations. Our practice may use and disclose your IIHI to operate our business. As examples of the ways in which we may use and disclose your information for our operations, our practice may use your IIHI to evaluate the quality of care you received from us, or to conduct cost management and business planning activities for our practice. We may disclose your IIHI to other health care providers and entities to assist in their health care operations.
Appointment Reminders. Our practice may use and disclose your IIHI to contact you and remind you of an appointment.
Treatment Options. Our practice may use and disclose your IIHI to inform you of potential treatment options or alternatives.
Health-Related Benefits and Services. Our practice may use and disclose your IIHI to inform you of health-related benefits or services that may be of interest to you.
Release of Information to Family/Friends. Our practice may release your IIID to a friend or family member that is involved in your care, or who assists in taking care of you, with a patient or guardian’s signed consent.
Disclosures Required By Law. Our practice will use and disclose your IlHI when we are required to do so by federal, state or local law.
Incidental Disclosures. The Privacy Rule permits certain incidental uses of disclosures of protected health information to occur when the covered entity has in place reasonable safeguards and minimum necessary policies and procedures to protect an individual’s privacy.
D. Use & Disclosure Of Your IIID In Certain Special Circumstances
The following categories describe unique scenarios in which we may use or disclose your identifiable health information:
Public Health Risks. Our practice may disclose your IIHI to public health authorities that are authorized by law to collect information for the purpose of:
maintaining vital records, such as births and deaths
reporting child abuse or neglect
preventing or controlling disease, injury or disability
notifying a person regarding potential exposure to a communicable disease
notifying a person regarding a potential risk for spreading or contracting a disease or condition
reporting reactions to drugs or problems with products or devices
notifying individuals if a product or device they may be using has been recalled
notifying appropriate government agency(ies) and authority(ies) regarding the potential abuse or neglect of an adult patient (including domestic violence); however, we will only disclose this information if the patient agrees or we are required or authorized by law to disclose this information
Notifying your employer under limited circumstances related primarily to workplace injury or illness or medical surveillance.
Health Oversight Activities. Our practice may disclose your IIHI to a health oversight agency for activities authorized by law. Oversight activities can include, for example, investigations, inspections, audits, surveys, licensure and disciplinary actions; civil, administrative, and criminal procedures or actions; or other activities necessary for the government to monitor government programs, compliance with civil rights laws and the health care system in general.
Lawsuits and Similar Proceedings. Our practice may use and disclose your IIHI in response to a court or administrative order, if you are involved in a lawsuit or similar proceeding. We also may disclose your IIHI in response to a discovery request, subpoena, or other lawful process by another party involved in the dispute, but only if we have made an effort to inform you of the request or to obtain an order protecting the information the party has requested.
Law Enforcement. We may release IIHI if asked to do so by a law enforcement official:
Regarding a crime victim in certain situations, if we are unable to obtain the person’s agreement
Concerning a death we believe has resulted from criminal conduct
Regarding criminal conduct at our offices
In response to a warrant, summons, court order, subpoena or similar legal process
To identify/locate a suspect, material , witness, fugitive or missing person
In an emergency, to report a crime (including the location or victim(s) of the crime, or the description, identity or location of the perpetrator
Deceased Patients. Our practice may release IIHII to a medical examiner or coroner to identify a deceased individual or to identify the cause of death. If necessary, we also may release information in order for funeral directors to perform their jobs.
Organ and Tissue Donation. Our practice may release your IIHI to organizations that handle organ, eye or tissue procurement or transplantation, including organ donation banks, as necessary to facilitate organ or tissue donation and transplantation if you are an organ donor.
Research. Our practice may use and disclose your IIHI for research purposes in certain limited circumstances. We will obtain your written authorization to use your IIHI for research purposes except when an Internal Review Board or Privacy Board has determined that the waiver of your authorization satisfies the following: (i) the use or disclosure involves no more than a minimal risk to your privacy based on the following: (A) an adequate plan to protect the identifiers from improper use and disclosure; (B) an adequate plan to destroy the identifiers at the earliest opportunity consistent with the research (unless there is a health or research justification for retaining the identifiers or such retention is otherwise required by law); and (C) adequate written assurances that the IIHI will not be re-used or disclosed to any other person or entity (except as required by law) for authorized oversight of the research study, or for other research for which the use or disclosure would otherwise be permitted; (ii) the research could not practicably be conducted without the waiver; and (iii) the research could not practicably be conducted without access to and use of the IIHI.
Serious Threats to Health or Safety. Our practice may use and disclose your IIHI when necessary to reduce or prevent a serious threat to your health and safety or the health and safety of another individual or the public. Under these circumstances, we will only make disclosures to a person or organization able to help prevent the threat.
Military. Our practice may disclose your IIHI if you are a member of U.S. or foreign military forces (including veterans) and if required by the appropriate authorities.
National Security. Our practice may disclose your IIHI to federal oft1cials for intelligence and national security activities authorized by law. We also may disclose your IIHI to federal officials in order to protect the President, other officials or foreign heads of state, or to conduct investigations.
Inmates. Our practice may disclose your IIHI to correctional institutions or law enforcement officials if you are an inmate or under the custody of a law enforcement official. Disclosure for these purposes would be necessary: (a) for the institution to provide health care services to you, (b) for the safety and security of the institution, and/or (c) to protect your health and safety or the health and safety of other individuals.
Workers’ Compensation. Our practice may release your IIHI for workers’ compensation and similar programs.
You have the following rights regarding the IIHI that we maintain about you:
Confidential Communications. You have the right to request that our practice communicate with you about your health and related issues in a particular manner or at a certain location. For instance, you may ask that we contact you at home, rather than work. In order to request a type of confidential communication, you must make a written request to the Privacy Officer, specifying the requested method of contact, or the location where you wish to be contacted. Our practice will accommodate reasonable requests. You do not need to give a reason for your request.
Requesting Restrictions. You have the right to request a restriction in our use or disclosure of your IIHI for treatment, payment or health care operations. Additionally, you have the right to request that we restrict our disclosure of your IIHI to only certain individuals involved in your care or the payment for your care, such as family members and friends. We are not required to agree to your request; however, if we do agree, we are bound by our agreement except when otherwise required by law, in emergencies, or when the information is necessary to treat you. In order to request a restriction in our use or disclosure of your IIHI, you must make your request in writing to the Privacy Officer. Your request must describe in a clear and concise fashion:
(a) the information you wish restricted;
(b) whether you are requesting, to limit our practice’s use, disclosure or both; and
(c) to whom you want the limits to apply.
Inspection and Copies. You have the right to inspect and obtain a copy of the IIHI that may be used to make decisions about you, including patient medical records and billing records, but not including psychotherapy notes. You must submit your request in writing to the Privacy Officer in order to inspect and/or obtain a copy of your IIHI. If you are requesting records for a transfer to another physician, you will need to complete an Authorization form at our office. Our practice may charge a fee for the costs of copying, mailing, labor and supplies associated with your request. Our practice may deny your request to inspect and/or copy in certain limited circumstances; however, you may request a review of our denial. Another licensed health care professional chosen by us will conduct reviews.
Amendment. You may ask us to amend your health information if you believe it is incorrect or incomplete, and you may request an amendment for as long as the information is kept by or for our practice. To request an amendment, your request must be made in writing and submitted to the Privacy Officer. You must provide us with a reason that supports your request for amendment. Our practice will deny your request if you fail to submit your request (and the reason supporting your request) in writing. Also, we may deny your request if you ask us to amend information that is in our opinion: (a) accurate and complete; (b) not part of the IIHI kept by or for the practice; (c) not part of the IIHI which you would be permitted to inspect and copy; or (d) not created by our practice, unless the individual or entity that created the information is not available to amend the information.
Accounting of Disclosures. All of our patients have the right to request an ”’accounting of disclosures.” An “accounting of disclosures” is a list of certain non-routine disclosures our practice has made of your IIHI for non-treatment, non- payment or non-operations purposes. Use of your IIHI as part of the routine patient care in our practice is not required to be documented. For example, the doctor sharing information with the nurse; or the billing department using your information to file your insurance claim. In order to obtain an accounting of disclosures, you must submit your request in writing to the Privacy Officer. All requests for an “accounting of disclosures” must state a time period, which may not be longer than six (6) years from the date of disclosure and may not include dates before April 14, 2003. The first list you request ,within a 12-month period is free of charge, but our practice may charge you for additional lists within the same 12-month period. Our practice will notify you of the costs involved ,with additional requests, and you may withdraw your request before you incur any costs.
Right to a Paper Copy of This Notice. You are entitled to receive a paper copy of our notice of privacy practices. You may ask us to give you a copy of this notice at any time. To obtain a paper copy of this notice, contact the Privacy Officer.
Right to Provide an Authorization for Other Uses and Disclosures. Our practice will obtain your written authorization for uses and disclosures that are not identified by this notice or permitted by applicable law. Any authorization you provide to us regarding the use and disclosure of your IIHI may be revoked at any time in writing. After you revoke your authorization, we will no longer use or disclose your IIHI for the reasons described in the authorization. Please note, we are required to retain records of your care.
Right to File a Complaint. If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, you may file a complaint with our practice or with the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. To file a complaint with our practice, contact the Privacy Officer at (316) 866-2000 or by mail at 1122 North Topeka, Wichita, KS 67214. All complaints must be submitted in writing. You will not be penalized for filing a complaint.
Your Rights Regarding Electronic Health Information Exchange
We participate in the electronic exchange of health information with other health care providers and health plans in the State of Kansas through an approved health information organization. Unless you direct otherwise, your electronic health records will be accessible though the exchange to properly authorized users for purposes of treatment, payment, and health care operations only.
If you want to restrict access to your records through the exchange, you must submit a request for restriction through the Kansas Health Information Exchange, Inc. contact the KHIE Support Center at 785-783-8984 or visit their website for more information.
Even if you restrict access, your information will still be available through the exchange by a properly authorized individual as necessary to report specific information to a government agency as required by law (for example, reporting certain communicable diseases or suspected incidents of abuse).
For your protection, each request for restrictions is subject to verification procedures. Please allow sufficient time for your request to be processed. Your failure to provide all information required for verification may result in additional delay or denial of your request.
GM General 108b – Notice of Privacy Practices – (rev 3-09)
Policy Changes
We reserve the right to change donor and other digital privacy policies. When we do, we’ll note the last update in the relevant privacy section of our website.
For changes to this policy that may be less restrictive on our use or disclosure of your personal information, we will:
get your consent in advance by sending a notice to your primary email address or home address
place a prominent notice on our website
Privacy Inquiries
For more information, please contact the GraceMed Privacy Officer by calling (316) 866-2000.
Donor Privacy
This privacy policy applies to GraceMed’s collection of donor information through any format. This policy outlines how the organization protects the privacy of its donors. It guides and demonstrates our commitment to protecting your privacy at all times.
By submitting personal information to GraceMed, you (the donor) consent to the terms and conditions of this policy and to our processing of personal information for the purposes stated below.
Personal Information
Personal information is any and all information that identifies the individual. This may include name, address, phone number, employer, and email address.
Here are some ways we may collect your information:
We may collect your name, email address and other contact information if you register for a fundraising event to benefit GraceMed.
We may collect your name, home and/or office address, employer, email address, telephone number and payment information (such as personal bank name, routing and account numbers, debit card account & expiration date), when you make a donation on our website, over the phone, when dropping off a donation at one of our clinic offices, or when mailing a check to us.
We may identify and/or collect personal information, such as name, email address, or location data through our website when you make a donation, sign up for a newsletter, register for an event, or navigate to our website by clicking one of our survey or newsletter links.
Use And Disclosure Of Personal Information
We will not sell or trade any of your personal information, collected on our website, through personal meeting or conversations, or through any other fundraising or business activities with anyone or any other entity.
We will not send you mailings or emails on behalf of other organizations or agencies.
We will only share your personal information if you give us written permission to do so.
We will collect payment information (such as bank account number), billing address and other information necessary to process a donation or event registration payment.
We will use your information to comply with the law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to conform to the requirements of the law or comply with legal process served on us, protect and defend our rights, or to act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of others.
We will use your personal information to protect against potential fraud. We may verify with third parties the information collected from you in the course of processing a donation, event registration or other donation. If you use a credit card or debit card on our website, we may use card authorization and fraud screening services to verify that your card information and address matches the information that you supply to us and that the card being used has not been reported lost or stolen.
Donor Communications | Right To Change Information Or Opt-Out
You have the right to review or change information we have collected about you. To do so, contact us in writing at: GraceMed Health Clinic, Inc.; Attention: Director of Development, 1122 N. Topeka St., Wichita, KS 67214. We can only accept change requests to personal information by mail. Once the change has been completed, we will mail you a confirmation letter of the change and effective date.
Donors to the organization may receive ongoing forms of communication from GraceMed, including but not limited to:
GraceMed newsletters
fundraising event opportunities
special giving opportunities such as capital campaigns
holiday giving appeals
special announcements
You have the right to opt-out of receiving these communications from us. If you have donated by mail or in person and wish to opt-out, please contact GraceMed’s Director of Development by phone, email, or in writing at the address noted above. You will receive a written confirmation from the Director of Development of the date of removal of your personal information from our mailing lists.
When you make a donation on our website, you can choose whether you wish to receive our newsletter and other communications as a part of your online donation process. If you choose to receive future communications from us, we may use your information to contact you. If you have questions about how we use donor information submitted through the website, Juven Nava, Director of Outreach Eligibility & Communications.
Access To Donor Information And Management
We use software systems to collect and maintain your personal donor information. These services are password protected and are used by a limited number of authorized individuals.
Last updated: August 11th, 2017
Policy Changes
We reserve the right to change donor and other digital privacy policies. When we do, we’ll note the last update in the relevant privacy section of our website.
For changes to this policy that may be less restrictive on our use or disclosure of your personal information, we will:
get your consent in advance by sending a notice to your primary email address or home address
place a prominent notice on our website
HRSA/FTCS Deemed Facility
This health center receives HHS funding and has Federal Public Health Service (PHS) deemed status with respect to certain health or health-related claims, including medical malpractice claims, for itself and its covered individuals. Covered individuals include both employed and FTCA sponsored volunteers.
Este centro de salud recibe financiamiento de la Secretaria de Salud y Servicios Humanos (HHS) y tiene un estatus de consideración bajo la ley de Servicios De Salud Federales (PHS) con respecto a ciertos reclamos por cuestiones de salud o en relación a la salud, incluyendo reclamos que incluyan negligencia médica contra el centro de salud o individuos cubiertos. Individuos cubiertos incluye empleados y voluntarios patrocinados por FTCA.
Privacy Inquiries
For more information, please contact the GraceMed Privacy Officer by calling (316) 866-2000.
Privacy Policy
Digital Privacy
Our digital privacy policy guides and demonstrates our commitment to protecting your privacy. This policy describes how we manage information we learn about you when you use our website.
Who we are
HRSA/FTCA Deemed Facility
GraceMed Health Clinic Inc receives HHS funding and has Federal Public Health Service (PHS) deemed status with respect to certain health or health-related claims, including medical malpractice claims, for itself and its covered individuals. Covered individuals include both employed and FTCA sponsored volunteers.
Este centro de salud recibe financiamiento de la Secretaria de Salud y Servicios Humanos (HHS) y tiene un estatus de consideración bajo la ley de Servicios De Salud Federales (PHS) con respecto a ciertos reclamos por cuestiones de salud o en relación a la salud, incluyendo reclamos que incluyan negligencia médica contra el centro de salud o individuos cubiertos. Individuos cubiertos incluye empleados y voluntarios patrocinados por FTCA.
What personal data we collect and why we collect it
We collect and store aggregated information about visitors to our website, such as: name of referral source (such as Facebook or a Google search) the date and time website visits internet service provider (ISP) We use this information to gather insights into the usability and performance of the content we provide on our website. This information helps us improve the website’s user experience.
Contact forms
We use contact forms to collect information for your donation, adopt-a-patient inquiries, dental consent forms and news magazine sign ups. The information collected is not stored on our website and is only used for the purpose it was given. We never share your information with anyone.
If you make a donation or register for an event on our website we ask your computer to set a cookie. These cookies are for your convenience so that you do not have to fill in your details again when you choose to make another donation or sign up for an event. These cookies will last for one year and can be cleared by clearing the cache (browsing history) on your computer.
Embedded content from other websites
Forms on this website may be embedded from our donor management website. Videos on this site may also be embedded (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the other website.
These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to that website.
Use of Links to Other websites
Our website may provide links to other services that contain information of interest to our visitors. We take no responsibility for, and exercise no control over, the views or accuracy of information contained on these other websites and their servers.
We use Google Analytics to report the quantity and source of visits to the website. This does not give us personal information about you but does help us to know what we can do to make our website more useful to you as a visitor.
Your contact information
We use your contact information for the purposes you designate. Primarily, these include sending you receipts for payments made and our news email. All information gathered by the organization from the website is confidential. A limited number authorized individuals collect, review and maintain website visitor information. GraceMed won’t sell or loan website visitor information with other organizations, agency, or commercial firms.
Where we send your data
We do not send your data to any person or organization outside of GraceMed Health Clinic Inc.
Who we share your data with
We never share your data outside our organization.
How long we retain your data
If you make a donation or register for an event, the information is retained indefinitely. This is for tax purposes.
What rights you have over your data
If you have made a donation or registered for an event, you can request to receive an exported file of the personal data we hold about you, including any data you have provided to us. You can also request that we erase any personal data we hold about you. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.
Additional information
Opting out of the GraceMed newsletter
GraceMed follows CAN-SPAM Act guidelines. We will never sign you up for our newsletter without your permission. You may opt out of receiving our newsletter at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any and every newsletter we send.
How we protect your data
We protect the data transmitted through the website by encrypting the website. You’ll see a lock in the address bar noting that the website is secure.
What data breach procedures we have in place
If there were ever a data breach that would expose your personal information we would contact you within a reasonable time frame with the date of the breach and any data that may have been exposed.
Our website is designed to be accessible to visitors with disabilities. It complies with federal accessibility guidelines. your comments about our website. If you have suggestions on how to make the site more accessible, please contact us.
Online Patient Portal
Should you receive medical, dental, pharmacy, vision and/or behavioral health services from GraceMed, you may use our online Patient Portal. This portal is accessible through our website. We will assign you a unique log-in name and password. You can use these credentials to access your account information and schedule future appointments. By using the patient portal, you agree to the terms of use and the privacy policy governing this electronic access site for your sole benefit.
Last updated: November 13, 2019
Policy Changes
We reserve the right to change donor and other digital privacy policies. When we do, we’ll note the last update in the relevant privacy section of our website. For changes to this policy that may be less restrictive on our use or disclosure of your personal information, we will get your consent in advance by sending a notice to your primary email address or home address and place a prominent notice on our website