About GraceMed.
And Hopecare
GraceMed delivers Hopecare.
Although GraceMed accepts all patients, our focus is on making healthcare accessible to those who are underserved among us, typically because they don’t have insurance or are underinsured. We provide holistic care that includes everything from primary medical and dental care to vision and behavioral health. We do all that with a broader goal in mind than just treating illness or injury. Our goal is to restore the hope of a fuller life that living without good health too often makes impossible for too many of us.

GraceMed has a faith-based heritage
Originally founded in 1979 as a ministry of the United Methodist Church to the Hispanic community in Wichita, GraceMed has been pursuing its mission to show and share the love of Jesus Christ by providing compassionate, accessible, and high-quality healthcare to more and more Kansans ever since. Now a Federally Qualified Health Center with locations in four Kansas communities, we have carried forward our Christian calling to serve, always welcoming every patient regardless of their beliefs.

Our leadership is here to serve.
Our Senior Management and our Board of Directors share an open-hearted desire to make a difference in the lives of those who live on the margins of our communities. We are blessed with leaders who genuinely see themselves as servants, both to our patients and the employees here at GraceMed who see to their care. In order to ensure that the perspectives of our patients are reflected in the decisions we make and the way we serve, we make sure that our Board membership is substantially composed of our patients themselves.