Health Insurance Navigators
GraceMed Navigators: Helping you find the insurance coverage you need at a price you can afford.
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was passed into law in 2010. It established a health insurance marketplace that could be accessed online, offering a wide range of healthcare plans designed to be more affordable for the millions of Americans living without coverage and without the healthcare they need. For many, it also provided a means to qualify for government subsidies that would help further reduce the cost of premiums.
The law also established a training program that would prepare consultants, called “Navigators,” to assist individual patients and families by selecting and applying for the best plan. As a Federally Qualified Health Center, GraceMed maintains a staff of these qualified Navigators. They reach out to the uninsured in the communities we serve to allow them to cover their families through this important and beneficial program.
Navigators often attend health fairs and a wide variety of public events to seek out the uninsured. Still, you can also meet with them by appointment at our Administration Center, 1150 N. Broadway in Wichita, and our Capitol Family Clinic, 1400 S.W. Huntoon in Topeka. The services of our Navigators are provided at no cost to you.
For more information about getting insurance coverage through the ACA Marketplace, contact:
Juven Nava
Director of Community Outreach
and Communication